
Nuremberg Lichtenreuth - What we are currently working on

In our project to develop "Lichtenreuth", a new urban quarter with residential and commercial units as well as the newly founded Nuremberg University of Technology - UTN is being created on a former industrial fallow land in the south of Nuremberg. In the meantime, the first high-rise buildings in Module 1 give an idea of the visual appearance of the new Nuremberg city district. The status quo of our work in the individual modules is as follows:

Module 1

Our civil engineering development work for the first construction phase in Module 1 is well advanced, so that the structural engineering work is also progressing rapidly and the first Lichtenreuth residents will be able to move into their new accommodation in spring 2024.

Module 2

A development plan procedure (B-Plan) is currently underway in Module 2, on the basis of which we have carried out the draft for the development planning on behalf of Aurelis. The legally binding development plan is expected to be finalised by the end of 2024.

UTN - Nuremberg University of Technology

The university campus is divided into several construction phases. We were commissioned by the Erlangen-Nuremberg State Building Authority in June 2023 with the planning services for the traffic facilities and engineering structures for the first part of the construction project. We are currently working on the preliminary design planning, with the first construction activities in building construction and civil engineering scheduled to start in 2026.

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