Water project from UNICEF and KfW in Syria
The formally efficient water management in Syria is being in catastrophic conditions after the war. Therefore, the German Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) has been setting up the development program WASH Phase III (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) together with UNICEF, in order to restore the essentiel water supply and wastewater disposal in Syria. A reliable operation of the newly reestablished infrastructure is also to be ensured in the long run.
Within the scope of this program, GAUFF Engineering has been charged from UNICEF with the execution of the corresponding subproject in the province of Aleppo.
The order includes the assessment, the planning, preparation of the draft and tendering documents, as well as the quality assurance and the local construction supervision.
It starts with the needs assessment and the urgent planning of projects for the renovation of the water and waste water infrastructure in Aleppo and the province of the same name.
Then, the conception and detailed planning of the infrastructure and water treatment plans will follow with the subsequent supervision of the construction works.
Several variants for a sustainable and efficient operation and maintenance of the water supply and waste water systems are going to be examined and the best possible technical solution will be elaborated.
The project started on September 23rd, 2018, the planned duration comes to approximately three years. The project will be implemented from an international team of eleven experienced engineers working for GAUFF Engineering during the three coming years in compliance with our high quality Standards.