Ongoing projects Germany

An excerpt of ongoing projects that we are currently working on in Germany:

Flughafen Leipzig/Halle GmbH (Airport Leipzig/Halle GmbH)
Framework contract services flight operations areas concrete, Apron extension east to Apron 4G, traffic facilities and civil engineering structures

Volksbau Bamberg GmbH & Co. KG
Development of Lagarde Höfe Bamberg

JV Nord Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH (JV North development company)
Northern area Auf AEG, Nuremberg, development planning for transportation facilities and civil engineering structures

Staatliches Bauamt Schweinfurt (State Building Authority Schweinfurt)
Saaleck Barracks Hammelburg with military training area, property-related wastewater disposal concept (LAK) Part A

Staatliches Bauamt Schweinfurt (State Building Authority Schweinfurt)
Rhön-Barracks Wildflecken with military training area, property-related wastewater disposal concept (LAK) Part A

Fernwasserversorgung Oberfranken (FWO) (Long-distance water supply upper Franconia)
Bamberger branch off, renewal of Lichtenfels section, civil engineering works and structural design

Landesbetrieb Bau und Immobilien Hessen (LBIH), NL Nord (State company for Construction and Real Estate of Hesse)
Burgwald Barracks Frankenberg (Eder), drinking and extinguishing water supply

Aurelis Munich/Aurelis Asset GmbH
Development planning Lichtenreuth

Long-distance water supply Upper Franconia Kronach
Reorganization of the Frankenwald pipelines, aera of treatment plant Rieblich (Rodach)

wbg Nürnberg GmbH Immobiliengesellschaft (wbg Nuremberg GmbH Real Estate Company)
Kornburg north residential development area, development planning, construction supervision

State Building Authority Erlangen-Nuremberg
Lichtenreuth, development planning for the new University of Technology Nuremberg (UTN)

City of Nuremberg
Construction management of tree grates throughout the city

Nuremberg University of Technology
Preparation construction site EVF

wbg - Housing Association Nuremberg
Road planning for the Nuremberg high school “Neues Gymnasium Nürnberg”

VG Dormitz
Development of the Hofäcker construction area

Zweckverband zur Wasserversorgung der Schwabachgruppe (Special purpose association for the water supply of the Schwabach Group)
Development of the Bruckäcker construction area

Nuremberg City Planning Office
Road planning Tiefes Feld South-East

Hübsch & Harlé Architects
Traffic facilities Thon-Plaza

Dieter Engelhard vtr. Alpha Projekt Partner GmbH & Co. KG
Development planning Hilperthöfe Erlangen

Nuremberg State Building Authority
Barton barracks Ansbach, repair of drinking water network with technical equipment

Expansion of combined transport transshipment facility module 1 at bayernhafen Nuremberg

Gruber GmbH
Inspection of planning and 3D detailed planning for rainwater and wastewater drainage of the Arnulfpost in Munich

City of Nuremberg, Building Department
Sewer rehabilitation for various schools in Nuremberg

Munich urban drainage
New construction of Hasenbergl collector and closure of gap in Schleissheimer Straße

Flughafen Nürnberg GmbH (Nuremberg Airport GmbH)
Development of DRF helicopter station at the Albrecht Dürer Airport Nuremberg

Flughafen Nürnberg GmbH (Nuremberg Airport GmbH)
Infrastructures, development and relocation of the ring road for the northern PV plant

LBIH - Landesbetrieb Bau und Immobilien Hessen, (Regional construction and property management of Hesse) Centre Branch office, central awarding
Mainz-Kastel Station Wiesbaden, DP2 Support Infrastructure Repairs, water supply, wastewater facilities and local heating network

LBB – Landesbaubetrieb (Regional Construction Office) Trier Branch
General planning for the Spangdahlem Air Base project, TWY Taxiway PAPA

Flughafen Nürnberg GmbH (Nuremberg Airport GmbH)
General planning for the TWY Taxiway Foxtrot renewal project

City of Regensburg
Civil engineering structures for the Prinz-Leopold-Kaserne innovation quarter

Flughafen München GmbH (Munich Airport GmbH)
General planning for the project infrastructure measures new SWR MUNICH ARENA

Ongoing projects worldwide / international

An excerpt of ongoing international projects that we are currently working on:

Empresa Publica de Aguas de Luanda (Public Water Company of Luanda)
Main water supply for Luanda South - Quilonga Grande (lots Q2, Q6 and Q7)

Instituto Nacional de Estradas de Angola INEA (Angolan National Institute of Roads)

  • Road rehabilitation Mussende-Cangandala
  • Road rehabilitation Mussende-Andulo
  • Road rehabilitation Caiundo-Savate

Project development with Sonangol, Conjuncta and CWP Global
Production and export infrastructure for green hydrogen and ammonia in Barra do Dande

Ministério da Agricultura e Florestas (Ministry of Agriculture)
Bio-veterinary centre and vaccine factory, Huambo

Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du fleuve Gambie (Organisation for the development of the Gambia River) 
Construction of power lines as well as the hydroelectric power plant of “Sambangalou” for the energy supply of Senegal, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Gambia

Agence Sénégalaise d'Electrification Rurale (ASER) (Senegalese Agency for Rural Electrification)
Electrification through photovoltaic systems for 372 villages

Ivory Coast
Ministère d´État, Ministère de la Défense (Ministry of Defense)
Road maintenance centres for the maintenance of existing roads and for the construction of new roads

Ivory Coast
Ministère de l’Hydraulique, de l’Assainissement et de la Salubrité - MINHAS (Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Health)
Upgrading and expansion of surface drainage and sewerage system with construction of a wastewater treatment plant in Abidjan

Water & Sanitation Corporation (WASAC)
Design testing and construction supervision of Volcano Belt's drinking water system

ANE (Administração Nacional de Estradas) (National Road Administration)
Supervision of road construction works Gurué & Milange

Ministria e Infrastruktures dhe Energjise (Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy)
Supervision of the concession contract for the modernization, construction, operation and maintenance
of "Arber Road"

Ministria e Bujqsisé dhe Zhvillimit Rural (Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development)
Rehabilitation work for the Janjari II irrigation system, Divjaka and Mursi Irrigation Schemes

International Committee of the Red Cross Switzerland (ICRC)
Various projects for the rehabilitation of water supply systems and water treatment plants in Iraq and Syria

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