• Water supply for Luanda – Quilonga Grande, lot 1

    Client: Empresa Pública de Águas – EPAL-EP
    Project location: Luanda, Angola
    Project term: 36 months
    Project start: 04/2017


Construction supervision of the drinking water treatment plant and its transport pipes for the Quilonga – Lot 1


The three existing water supply systems of the Angolan capital Luanda do not suffice to ensure the water supply for its constantly growing population. For the year 2033, the population of Luanda is forecasted to rise up to 13,5 million people. Therefore, the QUILONGA GRANDE project, and the intended construction of an additional supply system, will highly extend and improve the performance of the national water supplier “EPAL - Empresa Pública de Águas E. P.“.


GAUFF Engineering has been assigned with the construction supervision of all the essential components of the supply system. It includes:

  • New abstraction from the river Kwanza
  • Raw water pumping station (6,6 m³/s)
  • New raw water pipes (2 x DN 1400m , 12 kms length)
  • New water treatment plant (6 m³/s)
  • New building and annexes

The water has to be abstracted from the river Kwanza, located 50 kilometers away, and transported from the new raw water pumping station via the new transport pipes to the drinking water treatment plant that is located 12 kilometers away. After the treatment of the raw water, the drinking water is going to be distributed via transport pipes, that are sized accordingly and are leading to Luanda. The cross sections of the pipes are – depending on the required output– of 50 up to 160 centimeters.

After its completion, the System Quilonga Grande will have a capacity of six thousand liters of drinking water per second.


Design works and consulting
Construction Management

  1. performed on site
  2. Monitoring of the fulfilment of the environmental management
  3. Quality control of the work
  4. Cost Controlling
  5. Verification of the inventory plans

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